Youth Sunday School Class
The Sunday School class designed just for youth meets in Brooks Hall. The class is led by Paul and Andrea Richaud in our youth rooms featuring comfy seating and a foosball table.
We have a lot of fun, eat a lot of donuts, and are learning so much about God, each other, and ourselves. Young people in at least 6th grade are invited to join us 9:45-10:45.
Rite 13
Youth currently in grades 6-9 are invited to join the Rite-13 group. We meet on Sundays from 4-6 in Brooks Hall for fun, fellowship, and faith formation.
Led by Hilary Bogert-Winkler and Aaron Elrod, Rite-13 is a program that seeks to help young people claim their faith as their own through lessons that focus on love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self. Activities include service and justice projects, Bible Study, fun & games, an annual trip to Dollywood, and a summer mission trip. ​​
Youth are encouraged to bring friends, and it is not required that young people be members of the parish to join the youth group, only that they be in grades 6-9. All are welcome!
Questions? Email Hilary at hbwchurch@gmail.com.

Special Events
In the above photo, past members of the youth group won 3rd Place Float in the 4th of July Parade with their float "The Multiversity of the South featuring the Just-Us League." Throughout the year, St. Mark & St. Paul's middle school and high school students exercise creativity, have fun, and sometimes earn service hours through a variety of special events like mission trips, pilgrimages, summer VB-Us, and community events. Make sure we have your updated contact info so you don't miss out!