Participate in Worship
Liturgical worship is communal; it is what we do together. We invite you to participate in one or more worship ministry, whether you are a student here for a little while, or a longtime Sewanee resident.
Worship at Home
Families and friends worshiping together during the Covid-19 pandemic can also consider how these some of these roles work at home, whether reading Morning Prayer together or worshiping with Otey using the videos. Who is setting the space? Who is distributing the bulletin? What worship roles are these people filling?
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of parishioners who prepare for and clean up after church services. They wash and polish the Eucharistic vessels and utensils, launder linens, and vestments, and see to the maintenance of all appurtenances associated with worship.
Contact: George Dick (598-5825).
Otey Bread Bakers
Otey Bread Bakers provide fresh, home-baked loaves for the two Sunday Eucharistic services and for other occasional and festival services.
Contact: Diane Jones, (598-0775), djones.sewanee@gmail.com
Participating in Worship
There are a variety of ways to participate in worship services as lay members of the parish.
Contact: the Rev. Rob Lamborn, 598-5926 rector@stmarkstpaul.org
An acolyte is a follower assisting the celebrant in a religious service or procession. In many Christian denominations, an acolyte is anyone who performs ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles
Our youth and adults can serve as acolytes. The young people serve as torchbearers and banner bearers, crucifers and/or servers. Most often, our servers and crucifers are adults. Young people must be in the fourth grade or nine years old to serve as acolytes.
Contact: Frieda Hawkins, 568-5926, admin@stmarkstpaul.org
Our lay readers or lectors read the Old Testament and Epistle lessons. All are encouraged to read their selected lesson in advance to prepare for any potentially difficult pronunciations. Bulletins for reference are available in the church by Friday afternoon.
The Intercessor leads the “Prayers of the People” at services. The full text is prepared in advance for those reading the prayers and may be picked up as early as Friday afternoon.
The Oblationers bring the bread, wine, and water forward at the beginning of communion. We like to use family groups, particularly families with young children, to bring the elements forward because this is an excellent way to allow children too young to serve as acolytes to participate in the service. However, anyone may participate in this important part of the Holy Eucharist.
Chalice Bearers
These persons assist at each service by serving the wine during communion.
The ushers welcome everyone, collect the offering, direct the flow of communicants to the altar and help to tidy up inside the church when the service is over. Ushers also ring the church bell.