The mission of St. Mark & St. Paul is . . .
To worship God,
To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ,
To serve the world for which Christ died,
To educate and nurture the community,
And to welcome all.
To worship God

Our services are conducted according to the Book of Common Prayer, the current American expression of more than 450 years of tradition originating in England. Our worship is traditional but not stuffy, and reflects the variety of cultures within Anglicanism. Our praise of God draws nourishment from deep roots in the past so that it can flower afresh every Sunday.
To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ
The Gospel is good news! The ancient stories and wisdom of the Bible proclaim afresh the constant love of God to a changing world. This good news flows out of our worship services into what we do with our time, talent, and treasure both in the church and in the community.
To serve the world for which Christ died
Christ calls us to be transformed in our spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional lives. How might we praise and honor the God who loves us? We believe the best way to show our devotion to God is to be an active, responsive member of the congregation.
Athough COVID-19 has reduced what we can do in person, normally there are many opportunities for service. You will find some of these ministries on the Serve tab of this website. We would love to meet with you either virtually or socially distanced, to help you think about your gift and talents, and discover your own rewarding ministry at St. Mark & St. Paul.
To educate and nurture the community
Through the efforts of the Christian Formation and Parish Life Committees, we sponsor many classes and activities throughout the year. All our offerings are open to the community, from weekly Christian education classes to special events and trips. The parish also participates in and supports many community-led events.
To welcome all
We seek to be as fully inclusive as the Creator who made all humankind in the image of God. Whether you were raised in church or just now beginning to explore the faith, you are welcome at St. Mark & St. Paul. Whatever your ethnicity and first language, whatever your age, whoever you love, whatever you liked to be called, we invite you to be part of what the Holy Spirit is doing in this church. If there is any way we can help you with accessibility issues, introductions, or other needs, please check with any member of the staff or vestry.