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Together growing in Christ
Sunday Forum 2024-2025
This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home

On Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45, the Sunday Forum offers parishioners the opportunity to learn and grow in their faith together. From outside speakers to guided discussions, the format changes from week to week as do the topics.


Sunday Forum is a hybrid offering. You may join us in person or you may watch the presentation livestreamed on FaceBook. Please be aware that some of the classes involve small group interactions, which do not translate well to the livestream option. Most of the sessions have been recorded as well.


Sunday Forum is open to all ages. Some topics may be sensitive or mature. Below is a schedule for January to March. Click to enlarge or print. Please share widely!

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Education for Ministry (EfM)

EfM is a FOUR year seminar with all class year participants meeting in ONE seminar group. Year 1 studies the Hebrew Bible, Year 2 studies the New Testament, Year 3 studies the History of Christianity, and Year 4 studies contemporary theology of the Episcopal tradition. Seminar participants from all four years reflect upon various concerns from their readings, the relationship of those themes between each of the four years, and the implications of the theme in today’s world. Reflection on these themes is guided by utilizing four different perspectives from experience, society (culture), tradition (Episcopal Church), and personal beliefs. The goal of EfM is to deepen faith and to discover expressions of that faith in service to others.


The 2024-2025 sessions will begin after Labor Day 2024 and will end before Memorial Day 2025. Exact dates will be determined after the initial registration is completed. The Sewanee EfM seminar group meets on Monday nights from 6:30 until 9:00 in the Hethcock Room at Saint Mark and Saint Paul.


Registration is open July-Sept. Please view for more information about the program. Please contact EfM mentor Wendy Prothro Howard at for registration information!

Episcopal 101

Are you new or fairly new to the Episcopal Church?  Have you wondered about some of the hows and whys of the way we practice Christianity?  Are you interested in being confirmed, being received from another denomination, or reaffirming your baptismal vows?  Are you a longtime Episcopalian looking to refresh your knowledge? 


If you answer any of those questions, "Yes," Episcopal 101 is the course for you!  Anyone who wishes to explore Episcopal/Anglican understandings of worship, the Bible, prayer and spirituality, ethics, church history, etc., is warmly invited.  Please contact Rob Lamborn (, 931-598-5926) for more information or to register.

Other Formation Opportunities

In addition to Sunday school classes, adult formation at the Episcopal Parish of St. Mark & St. Paul includes many opportunities for learning, growing, and bonding. We enjoy lectures, music, and crafts during summer VB-Us. We take trips to area churches, classes, and museums. We engage in programs designed to dismantle racism, encourage ecumenical cooperation, and move toward economic justice in the area. 


Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Christian formation and support for all ages and stages

Hospitality, ministering to the sick, and other service at St. Mark & St. Paul

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216 University Ave

P. O. Box 267

Sewanee, TN 37375

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