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Of General Interest

The Lectionary Page - links to all the Sunday and Major Feast Day readings

Today's Reading from Forward Day By Day

EfM - The national site for the Education for Ministry program

Daughters of the King National Website

Cursillo National Website

Brotherhood of St. Andrew 

Episcopal Health Ministries

United Thank Offering


Our Diocese

The Diocese of Tennessee, The Rt. Rev. John C. Bauerschmidt, Bishop

Dubose Conference Center

St. Mary's Conference and Retreat Center

St. Andrew's-Sewanee School


Our Province

The Episcopal Church is divided into nine Provinces for program and administrative purposes. Tennessee is a member of Province IV  which consists of twenty Dioceses, comprising most of the Southeastern United States.


The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church main website

Office of the Presiding Bishop

Episcopal News Service

The Red Book, a directory to all sorts of things in the Episcopal Church

Find an Episcopal Church - 

Find an Episcopal Clergy Member 

Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church

Episcopal Relief and Development

Episcopal Network for Stewardship



The Anglican Communion

Worldwide Anglican Communion

Church of England

Archbishop of Canterbury

Anglican Church of Canada

Member Churches of the Anglican Communion

Anglicans Online -- an online resource directory



The Book of Common Prayer

Current (1979) Book of Common Prayer online

Online Book of Common Prayer - From several Churches in the Communion

1559 English Book of Common Prayer

1662 English Book of Common Prayer

1892 American Book of Common Prayer

1928 American Book of Common Prayer


Worship Devotion, and Study

The Daily Office from the Mission of St. Clare

Oremus - daily prayer and other resources

Bible Gateway - The Bible in many translations and languages

The Internet Classics Archive

Calendar of Christian Historical Biographies

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

The Ecole Initiative early church documents online

Guide to Early Church Documents

Anglican Liturgical Library - A collection of authorized and other texts used in the Anglican Communion

Association of Anglican Musicians - The support of music and the allied arts in all their aspects especially in relationship to liturgy.

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