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"Let the little children come to me"
Matthew 19:14
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We love babies and children! Wiggles and giggles are expected, and sometimes children cry. So do grown-ups! It’s all right.


Families with young children might like to sit up front. We have prepared a Children’s Worship Area in one of the front pews. It is easier up front for your little ones to see and hear what’s going on at the altar, and there are quiet toys like foam blocks they can share. 


Children learn liturgical behavior by copying what they see and hear. Encourage them to stand for hymns and prayer. By age 3, most children are ready to learn the Lord’s Prayer. Once children learn to read, they can participate fully in the hymns and responses. Older elementary school children are invited to serve as torchbearers, and later as crucifers.


If you need to step out with your child, feel free to leave through the side door, and return as you are able.


We also have a nursery downstairs in Claiborne Hall (in Sewanee Children’s Center.) Little ones are brought back to the service before Eucharist.


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216 University Ave

P. O. Box 267

Sewanee, TN 37375

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